Port Elliot Town & Foreshore Improvement Association - Friends of Waterport Heritage Reserve
PETFIA - Friends of the Waterport Heritage Reserve - Background
The Friends of Waterport Heritage Reserve [FOWHR] are a small group of residents who are a sub-committee of the Port Elliot Town & Foreshore Improvement Assoc. We are particularly interested in ensuring that the heritage values of the Crown land, previously ‘Section 276’, now ‘Lot 52’ and vested in the community through Alexandrina Council, are retained and enhanced for the use of our residents, and our many visitors and holidaymakers. The subcommittee has been working for some eighteen years or more to maintain and care for the land and its historical, heritage listed artifacts.

Waterport Heritage Reserve - What is it?
Lot 52 is the last piece of open space land in Port Elliot, being the remainder of the Crown land left after the building of the new Port Elliot Primary School and re-location of a portion of the Port Elliot Showgrounds. It’s located between the Showgrounds, Elliot Gardens, Bayview Estate and the residential housing on Gregory Street. It contains the remains of the first reticulated water supply in SA, which has a state heritage listing, and the Old Police Stables, which were used during the days of the first Police Station on the South Coast. Both the remaining water supply well and the Stables have been restored by The Friends, with the Stables formally re-opened during 2006, and the well restoration completed in 2008.
The Friends have also completed the building of a boardwalk and bridge, to allow viewing of the old well in safety by all the community, whilst also protecting the immediate environment around the well site.
During 2016, Alexandrina Council undertook further restoration work on the Stables to stabilise the foundations and render the building once again safe for community usage.